Episode 29 - Smilodon ( DOWNLOAD | SUBSCRIBE )
Aaron and INO track the deadly Smilodon and answer questions from Adam and Zachary.
REMASTERED (Originally Released: April 30, 2012)
Icon Art & Inspiration by Warner Brothers
Aaron................ Aaron (Mesozoic I.N.O. User)
Ezra................... Ezra (Cenozoic I.N.O. User)
Bridget.............. INO (I.N.O. Unit 02)
Smidge............. Smidge (Purgatorius)
Mike.................. PRIME (???)
"Exciting Trailer"
By Apple, via Garage Band (free music)
Ezra................... Ezra (Cenozoic I.N.O. User)
Bridget.............. INO (I.N.O. Unit 02)
Smidge............. Smidge (Purgatorius)
Mike.................. PRIME (???)
"Exciting Trailer"
By Apple, via Garage Band (free music)
Adam asks "Who would win? A T. rex or Deinonychus?"
Zachary asks "Who would win? An Allosaurus or Giganotasaurus?"
Aaron asks listeners "Who would win between a Brachiosaurus and an Argentinasaurus?"
Zachary asks "Who would win? An Allosaurus or Giganotasaurus?"
Aaron asks listeners "Who would win between a Brachiosaurus and an Argentinasaurus?"